1 cup of corn sugar in 5 gallons of wort or must

I brewed up some wheat beer but its gravity ended up being lower than I wished. I have a lot of corn sugar for priming so I figured I’d add some to up the gravity a bit. I didn’t want to bother with adding a cup, stirring it in an remeasuing the gravity until I hit the level I wanted, that’s annoying. So what other option do I have? SCIENCE.

So I had to figure out how much adding one cup of corn sugar to 5 gallons of wort would increase the gravity by. By using highly accurate unverified random sources around the internet I found out that adding 1 Lb of corn sugar to one gallon of water would increase the gravity from 1.000 to 1.037. This means that adding 1 Lb of corn sugar to 5 gallons would raise the gravity by 0.0074.

I also found on the internet that one cup of corn sugar weighs 4.65 ounces. That means that 1 Lb of corn sugar comes out to around 3.44 cups.

With these wonderful figures I have determined that adding 1 cup of corn sugar to 5 gallons of water (or wort or must) will raise the gravity by 0.00215. Adding 5 cups of corn sugar to 5 gallons will raise the gravity by 0.01075 which is what I did with my wort.